Track and Analyse Your Own Trades

The Smartest Way To Learn From Your Own Trading and Mistakes.

  • Do you know which instrument is ideal for you?
  • Do you want to know your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Do you want to see all your Forex trading, organized by pairs, sessions, P/L etc?
  • Do you know which is best time for your trading style and strategy?
  • Do you know your risk and reward in your strategy?
  • Does your actual Forex strategy really perform?
  • How much did that emotional trade affect you Forex performance?
  • Rather trade EUR/USD or GBP/USD? Don’t know it? Our Powerful tool will help you after analysing your Statement.
So what are you waiting for?

Get started with our following exclusive introductory offer for first the 500 Clients.
Take our Free Trail: Unlimited statement analysis per client for 7 days.

Monthly offer: £49.99 / month with unlimited statements analyzing facility with our all in-built features (mention above) including personalise dashboard, risk alerts messages,  free one to one mentoring sessions and every day new motivational quotes, FX prices etc.

As an introductory offer we are giving the above full package at the price of just £7.99/month for our first 500 clients.

Become a Member

Enjoy unlimited access to all our exclusive features with discount membership


Pro athletes know that there is one sure-fire way to go from good to better and from better to great. It’s really no secret. They review their performance and look for ways to improve and same goes with traders and inventors.
After the game is over, you will see any serious athlete review the game video. They are assessing how they did, what worked well, and where they could do better. The trader and investor can also analyse their results for better performance
It’s the only true path to excellence and traders can do it, too. You assess your performance and look for ways to get better. Done consistently, you can go from good to great and great to best!
How to do it: Our Powerful tool is very simple and easy to use , our research and IT team have spend huge amount of time and efforts so we can provide you the best product in this industry.

Discover how our unique performance tool can help you know your strength and weakness- So you can be successful in your trading and investing journey.

Our Product Features

  1. Your own all –in -one personalise dashboard.
  2. Risk alerts on dashboard.
  3. Every day new motivational quotes on your dashboard for giving you the right mind set.
  4. You can analyse your statements (P/L) in the form of charts by following-
    • Your traded instruments
    • Your Daily trades analysis
    • Your Weekly Trades analysis
    • Your Monthly Trades analysis
    • Your Yearly Trades analysis
  5. Number of trades of your profit and loss with all graphs and charts
  6. Full Statistical report of your statement.
  7. Full support from our team.